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Writer's pictureRobert Goodwin

The Graphene Hive Mind

I said in a video back in 2016 that humanity was being 'taken out' by a 'predator intelligence' and of course was laughed at by all but a few awake people. That video can still be seen here

for anyone interested, but of course what I prophecised is now emerging, as it was always planned to. David Icke, another reliable source of predictive information also knew many years ago that the plan to cull the human race and enslave the remainder in classic Orwellian style was well advanced and much of what he has revealed over the last thirty years has backed up that insight.

When one delves into the detail of 'The Great Reset' or 'Agenda 30' the facts are highly disturbing and will appear to many, to be frightening. It would take far to long to detail here what is planned for the human race between now and 2030 (and beyond) but I'd like to focus on an aspect that Icke has recently written and spoken about - the assimilation of the human mind into 'the collective hive mind' - aka 'The Borg' style consciousness portrayed in Star Trek. Major Cult player Elon Musk is busy encircling the earth with low-level satellites connected to 5G (soon to be 6G and 7G) that will form a 'cloud' consciousness designed to eventually ensare the human mind. Key to this is the insertion into the human body of 'Graphene', which links to the 5G (electromagnetic field) network. Graphene is of course, present in many vaccines (hence the fake Covid pandemic and other soon to be unleashed other pandemics). This is why 'They' want to vaccinate as many people as possible in order to insert Graphine and other substances into the body that will enable the 'Hive Mind' to be established. When people such as Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab and Ray Kursweil speak of 'the next stage of human development' and 'connecting the human mind to AI' this is what they are really referring to. If they are successful in this, it will eveltually lead to human consciousness potentially being trapped in a fake reality that is detached from their higher self.

The key to avoiding this future (and it is by no means a certainty, even though the major Cult players would have you believe it is) is to raise human consciousness to the level where it is aware of its true nature and infinite being. The 'agenda' and those imposing it, fear this more than anything and there is certainly an awakening of humanity underway - but it is nowhere fast enough or expansive enough as things stand.

Cliick on either of the links below and take a look at what is planned - educate yourself now whist you still can. It will be time well spent.

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